Friday, November 21, 2008

The Greatest Movie Entrance Ever......

So recently I read that Hollywood is planning to remake a cherished movie from my childhood: The Last Dragon. It is perhaps the greatest popcorn/action flick I saw as a child though there are several strong candidates that come to mind. So, of course Hollywood is planning on "reimagining" the flick. Anyway, Samuel L. Jackson is going to be playing one of the central characters known as "Sho'Nuff" in the remake. I don't think the original can be improved upon though I am curious to see how the writers and director will try. I really wonder if the powers that be that run studios nowadays are young enough to remember the originals and hope to revisit their youth through remaking the stuff they saw and loved as kids.

It was very much a movie of its time and place with a woman who in the flick was trying to mimic Cyndi Lauper with outrageous outfits and the Brooklyn accent as well as an aspiring music career. Modern audiences (anyone under 25 probably has no idea who Cyndi Lauper even is) won't know what to make of it though perhaps they will cast someone as a Lindsey Lohan wannabe that can relate to the current generation.
Here is a link to a youtube video featuring the infamous ShoNuff character that Samuel Jackson is hoping to reprise:
If I ever have to go to a Hollyween party again I think I will go as ShoNuff although going as Bruce Leroy might be easier to pull off from a costume point of view.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I've never heard of the Last Dragon. Did you hear they might be doing a Highlander remake? I saw that on IMDB after showing the original movie to Hoku which he'd never seen before. After seeing it he possibly wants to dress up as the Kurgan next year for Halloween. Have you ever seen Army of Darkness? I also watched that with him since it's one of his favorite movies, but I wasn't that impressed where I'd watch it multiple times or anything.