Monday, December 1, 2008

Snowing and 29 degrees

I woke up to a light snow this morning (it is not sticking to the roads yet) which means that running outside will be cold. The wind is also averaging about 20 mph which means it feels much colder. There is a running store that holds a Monday evening run at 6 pm that I normally try to attend. There is a good size crowd of about 20-40 runners who show up on a regular basis though fewer came with the change in daylight savings time as the start time meant we were running in the dark. However, the run only began as a fixture on the scene last spring and we haven't been faced with these type of temperatures and weather before for a group run. So, I am kind of curious to see if they will still hold the run, and if so, how many crazy folks will show up????? Normally I would go run with the crazies but with my marathon coming up I don't want to get sick or injured by doing this run so the jury is still out on attending. I may just do a workout at 24 hour fitness that includes running and perhaps a class or two--that would be the smart thing to do.


Cara said...

You took a picture from our house :) To see snow and the yard makes me happy and sad at the same time...winter in Hawaii just isn't the same.

Brent said...

I figured you would recognize the view from the back yard. I just read a colum from someone who lives in LA but grew up on the east coast who basically said the same thing; winter in balmy weather is just not the same. Check it out at the following link if you are interested:

In case the link doesn't work the columnist is Meghan Daum and she writes for the Los Angeles Times so you could google her etc. I make it a point to read her column whenever I can as she has an interesting perspective and back story etc.